What is a digital garden?
🌷What is it for? And why do I have one?
You can learn more about digital gardens in Maggie Appleton's Repository It links to articles that explain digital gardening is all about. It also has a collection of digital gardeners that you might be interested in checking out.
I think, bottom line, my digital garden is a space where I write things solely for myself WITHOUT thinking about what others may think. It is NOT a place to show off by best work or help others.
I'm writing this to remind myself that, THIS IS NOT FOR OTHER PEOPLE. It's okay if it's not perfect, or if others don't understand it, what matters is if it's useful TO ME.
Things I want to get off my mind right now
- Hexapods and Quadrupeds
- Robot Arms and Manipulators
- Underactuated Robotics and Control
- Web Development, React
- Algorithms and Computer Science
- Quadrotors and Drones
What other people say about their own gardens
You’ve stumbled upon my working notes. They’re kind of strange, so some context might help. These notes are mostly written for myself: they’re roughly my thinking environment. If a note seems confusing or under-explained, it’s probably because I didn’t write it for you! Sorry, that’s sort of an essential tension of this experiment.
Our natural fear of being judged leads most people to build, learn, and think privately. But seeking validation should not be the goal of learning in public... Keeping a public log of what you build is an effective way to track your learning progress. In the future, you can go back to previous projects and measure the gap between your prior and current levels of skills. .... It also ensures you keep your levels of consumption and creation balanced.. We should ideally balance our input and output through continuous creation. The information we consume should be turned into evergreen notes—using our own words.>
... ... my living notes. ... ideas that I am working on actively and reference material I am using. ... Growing thoughts slowly as I take notes and research other ideas. ... a place to store and develop long term thoughts. ... a lot of my notes are Progressive Summarizations of content that I've payed for.